快捷鍵搜索和替換工具 Shortcuts Search And Replace,可以做簡單的操作快捷鍵
- 查找快捷方式的目標地址、工作目錄、參數(shù)以及圖標位置內(nèi)容- 替換多個快捷方式的目標地址、工作目錄、參數(shù)及圖標內(nèi)容(如果你移動便攜版應用程序或目錄,這顯得很有用)
- 查找死鏈接,解決或刪除它們 (單擊解決或刪除多個)
Shortcuts Search And Replace allows to do easy operations on shortcuts like: Search for shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content; Replace multiple shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content (useful if you move portable applications paths or directory); Search dead links, to resolve or delete them (multiple resolves/delete in one click)