當你重命名或刪除一個文件/文件夾時,Windows 彈出對話框提示你“無法刪除 xxx:它正在被其它用戶/程序使用!”,怎么辦? 使用 Unlocker ,你就可以輕松、方便、有效地解決這個雖小但很煩人的問題! 同類的工具中,綜合易用性、功能強度,此款是目前最好的!
What's new in Unlocker 1.9.1: -- 更新信息
· New feature: Made it possible to delete deep directory structures and too long path errors (Path too long, Cannot delete file or folder The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name, The filename or extension is too long, Path too deep, Destination Path Too Long, The file could not be accessed, The path you entered, is too long. Enter a shorter path). Try deleting the folder created by this batch file without the new Unlocker you will understand
· Improved UI: Progress bar when deleting large folders
· Improved UI: Fixed all references to previous website in UI
· Fixed Bug: Fix crash which happened with deep paths in old versions
· Fixed Bug: Fixed update check to match new Unlocker website (http://unlocker.emptyloop.com)
· Fixed Installer: Fixed x64 installer for references to non existing assistant